Trains of Western Australia

This site is photo gallery of locomotives of Western Australia. Also showcased are locomotives that visit from interstate and some local locomotives from elsewhere in Australia.
Click on the photos to view a large version.
Where available, click on the 'Listen to Horn' link to hear a recording of that locomotive's horn.

Photos of Australian Railroad Group locomotives

A, AB, AC, D, DA and S Classes

P, DB, DD and DF classes

Q, L and DC classes

Photos of Pacific National locomotives

NR Class

AN Class

DL Class

Other Pacific National related photos

Photos of Other Operator's Locomotives

South Spur Rail locomotives

Specialised Container Transport locomotives

TransPerth and TransWA

Hotham Valley Railway locomotives

Other operators' locomotives

Railway construction

Westrail Photos
(digitally restored Westrail logos)

Queensland Rail locomotives

New Zealand
locomotives and railcars

CBH locomotives

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